Art Car 2024: Day 1

On the first day of our Art Car J-term, the day began with a brainstorming session, where we collaborated on revising our initial theme of “body parts”. Finalizing our theme and design plans for the art car, we decided on a Spirited Away theme, making the base of the car look like the character ‘Noface’. After much discussion, we agreed to transform the vehicle into a captivating representation of Noface, drawing inspiration from our initial theme to have arms and legs sticking out from the car.
With our theme solidified, we embarked on a quest to Home Depot to gather the essential supplies we needed to start our work. The shopping list included dark purple and black paints, brushes, sponges, tape, and buckets. Prior to applying the base coat of paint, we washed the car with sponges and hoses, ensuring a clean and smooth surface to lay the paint. Before we could start painting, we put tape over the windows, lights, and license plates of the car. Thankfully, the paint from the year before was a light pink so it was easily covered by the dark purple paint.
As a team, we circled the car with rollers and brushes, with some people working on laying the overall base coat and others focusing on smaller details and missed spots. We accomplished a lot and covered the car head to toe in the new paint color. Overall, this first day was productive and set a strong foundation for the following weeks.
--Cape, class of 2024, photos by Specialist Sloan
